Carpet Cleaning

How Carpet Cleaning Machines Remove Stain from Carpets?

January 18, 2012   ·   By   ·   No Comments   ·   Posted in Carpet Cleaning

The problem of removing carpet stains cannot be solved without using carpet cleaning machines. Carpet cleaning machines work by injecting water and a detergent solution into the carpet, and then extract the dirty water. This process leaves the carpet clean and free of stains and odors, depending on the quality and capability of the machine. Low end carpet cleaning machines should not be used for cleaning carpets on a commercial basis. These machines do not have the power or special features of commercial carpet cleaning machines.

Carpets stain easily because they are used extensively by all members of the household, office, or business. The material itself is highly porous in nature, thereby soaking up spills and stains quickly. In commercial areas with high pedestrian traffic, carpets are even more likely to stain because of the dirt carried in from outside. In addition to stains, carpets may also carry bedbugs, molds, bacteria, pollen, dander, and other types of dirt. The only way to eliminate these undesirable substances without harming the carpet is by using carpet cleaners.

Heated vs. Non-Heated Models

Carpet cleaners are available in two variations. The first is a non-heated carpet cleaner used to clean carpets with cold water. A non-heated machine costs less than a machine with a heating device as it consumes less fuel. While these machines cannot heat water, many commercial carpet cleaners can use pre-heated water for cleaning carpets. Purchase these machines if you are sure you will not be dealing extensively with greasy or heavily soiled carpets. Cold water carpet cleaners can be used for removing light stains in combination with good quality, eco-friendly carpet cleaning detergents. These detergents are non-toxic, non-combustible, and safe for carpets and upholstery.

Heated carpet cleaners offer the operator the ability to tackle tougher cleaning applications. If you are purchasing heated carpet cleaning equipment, make sure the machine offers sufficient high temperatures and pressure levels. Carpet cleaning equipment should have temperatures of 140-210°F. These carpet cleaning machines are used for removing grease, food, pet stains, ink and crayon marks, and other types of dirt and stains from the carpets. The advantage of using hot water is the ability to penetrate the carpet deeply and dissolve dirt, which makes extraction easier.

Low Flow

Carpet extractors with high flow rates are inconvenient because they cannot be used in circumstances where water supply is limited. Worse yet, they leave carpets wet for often more than 24 hours. Low flow carpet cleaning equipment, on the other hand, provides multiple benefits. First, water bills and costs related to disposal of dirty water are reduced. Second, low flow machines reduce the uses of water resources. Finally, a low flow carpet cleaning equipment decreases the time required for the carpet to dry, as low as two hours with top machines. Fast drying prevents the appearance of mold on carpets as well as development of carpet odors.


Carpet extractors should have powerful vacuum motors to create the right “pull” for extraction. Water lift of 100 inches indicates strong extraction capabilities. The design of the wand is also important. A wand head that fits snugly on the surface generates more suction.

In addition to the three points mentioned above, other factors that influence carpet cleanerproductivity include the quality of the parts, wand size, wand jets, hose length, solution and recovery tank size, and optional features such as automatic filling and dumping.

If you can’t get the spot out on your own, call the experts at Park-Ellis ServiceMaster (419)861-9602 or

Daimer Industries
Jul 15, 2011 3:59 AM



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