Unexpected guests have called to surprise you with an impromptu visit. They have asked to stay at your home for the weekend and are sticklers for a tidy house. You have only one day to prepare for their arrival. What do you clean and what do you leave?
First of all, don”t panic. Preparing for surprise guests can be a breeze if you organize your tasks. Here’s a “guest-ready” checklist of what you should clean before the guests arrive:
Clean up can be a breeze when you follow these tips.
Kids, spouses and pets can foil our best efforts to tidy up before guests arrive, and there are few things less inviting than a cluttered home. To beat the mess, keep a small laundry basket near your kitchen. Fifteen minutes before your guests are scheduled to arrive, pass the basket to your spouse or a child who is old enough to help, and have him or her go through each room picking up the clutter and putting it in the basket. This includes toys, shoes, clothes, newspapers, magazines etc. Put the basket in a closed room or closet, to sort after your guests leave. This serves both to clean up the mess, and keep one of your main culprits too busy to create more clutter!
If you have ever been caught without a gift, you will know the importance of having an emergency gift supply on hand. During the year, we sometimes forget a birthday or receive unexpected holiday gifts and need a quick present. For times such as these, it is good to have an emergency supply of gifts on hand.
Keep in mind that the gifts should be something that can be given to either a male or female and that they should be in an average price range—not too expensive, not too cheap! A good amount for an emergency gift is anywhere from $15 to $20, though you can get more expensive items if you find them on sale. Also include gifts that are specifically for children, so pick up a few toys, hats or mittens.
Some handy emergency gifts include address books, picture frames, wine, candy, stationery, pen sets, candles, or scarves. Do not buy anything you would not mind owning yourself because you might end up never giving it away. Be sure to have different sizes of decorative bags, tissue and cards in your supply so you have something to wrap your present in when the time arises. Wrapping paper is an option, however, you generally would need a box, tape and scissors—with a decorative bag and tissue it will save you from the inevitable time crunch.