A number of gum removal machines are available from reputable online suppliers. A quick search on the internet is sufficient to confirm such machines. Although a large variety of machines means more possibility of finding the right equipment, the large amount can be overwhelming.
A smart buyer can still find a way through the maze to buy a high-quality, efficient machine. This article provides tips that would make the job easier for smart buyers. However, before the tips, it is important to learn which machines are best for gum removal and how they work.
Best Machines
Of the three commonly used cleaning machines—namely, carpet cleaners, steam cleaners, and pressure washers, steam cleaners are the most suitable machines for removing chewing gum. Their functioning is made for chewing gum removal. Steam cleaners work by ejecting high temperature dry steam output to hard surfaces. The temperature of the machine can be as high as 386°F, depending on the model, effective in melting dirt and impurities present on the surface, in this case chewing gum pieces. The molten chewing gum residue can then be removed quite easily.
The following are some tips to choose the best machines for chewing gum removal.
Attached Vacuum
Conventional steam cleaning machines do not have attached vacuums. These machines can only displace the dissolved gum; they cannot extract it. Cleaning workers have the additional duty of removing the dirt after cleaning and risk re-adherence of dissolved gum deposits. They make use of a towel or a brush to remove the dissolved dirt from the surface. Top machines, however, use an attached vacuum to simultaneously extract gum wads completely.
The more powerful the vacuum is, the easier the cleaning process becomes, and the more profitable it is for the gum removal business. In short, steam cleaning machines with attached vacuums are the best types of gum remover equipment.
People have the incorrigible habit of spitting chewing gum on public places, such as shopping mall floors, park benches, under furniture, and other places. A number of people visit these public places each day. Each piece of gum spit out contains germs and bacteria from the chewer’s mouth. Therefore, the gum remover machine should not only extract the visible chewing gum but eliminate the invisible microorganisms and germs too.
For sanitization purposes, it is important to buy steam cleaning machine with special anti-microbial technology. Such machines improve the goodwill customers have toward the gum removal business.
Gum Removal Accessories
The best gum removal machines should come with a number of accessories to make the process quicker and more efficient. Two to look for include a gum dissolving solution (biodegradable is best) and stainless steel gum removing brushes threaded onto a durable gum tool.
In addition, a buyer should always ensure that the machine is from a reputable supplier. Otherwise, one may end up regretting the purchasing decision.
If you want to save yourself the headache of purchasing this type of machine you can call the experts at Park-Ellis ServiceMaster! You can reach us via email at office@smparkellis.com or directly at 419-861-9602
Posted 03-08-2011 4:53 AM by Daimer Industries