Terms and Conditions

Thank you for enrolling in Auto Bill Pay. Please note, your enrollment will be activated with your next bill and your balance will be paid automatically between the 1st and 5th of every month. To change your preferred auto payment date, simply visit servicemasterbyparkellis.com/paymentauthorization/

Until your enrollment becomes active, please remember to make a one-time payment. A fee may apply if the payment is not received before your next bill. To receive a copy of your current or previous bill statements anytime email office@smparkellis.com

This card will be securely saved on file to make your bill payments easier and may also be used for any unpaid balances and fees if your SERVICEMASTER BY PARK-ELLIS is terminated. 

Thank you for your continued business. 



Emergency? Call us at 419-841-5575 Day or Night!

©2015 ServiceMaster by Park-Ellis. All rights reserved. An independent business licensed to serve you by ServiceMaster Clean.

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