When selecting a vacuum cleaner, there are a variety of features that customers should look for to make sure they are buying a machine that meets their current needs and anticipates their future needs. Some of these include:
• Handle weight. For many users, the handle weight matters even more than the weight of the machine itself for this is the user’s connection with the machine.
• Brush propulsion. A gentle “pull” from the brush roller on the machine improves maneuverability and reduces user fatigue.
• Serviceability. Easy access to brush roller, hose ports, filters, and all entry points reduces downtime. Look for machines that do not require screwdrivers to service these areas.
• Filters. The best vacuum choice offers fast, efficient filter changing that prevents workers from releasing a cloud of dust when removing the filter bag. Look for machines that have lever controls to remove and replace filter bags, avoid the gagging, and protect indoor air quality for all building occupants.
• Ergonomics. Not all vacuum cleaners users are made alike. Machines that have adjustable handles, which can be lowered for shorter workers or raised for taller workers improve ergonomics and productivity.
• Clutch. Some machines have a clutch mechanism that automatically disengages the roller bar if a large foreign object enters the machine. This protects the vacuum cleaner by preventing internal damage as well as the worker by turning the machine off, allowing the object to be safely removed. Once the object is removed, turning the vacuum back on resets the safety mechanism and the machine is ready to use again.
• Reduced noise levels. Cleaning quietly is becoming a Green issue because it minimizes cleaning’s impact on the user, building occupants, and the environment. Look for machines that have a decibel rating of less than 68 dB.
• Extended Cord. Extension cords can be a safety hazard. Avoid them by selecting machines that have 40-50 feet of Underwriters Laboratories (UL) listed cable with a three-prong insulated plug.
• Full-bag alert. A handy feature because an over full filter bag impairs the vacuum cleaners ability to clean.
• Top-mounted hose. While useful for detail cleaning, these have a tendency to crack. Look for machines that have a “strain relief” to avoid fraying and extend the life of the hose cable.
• Anyone considering a new vacuum cleaner today should seriously consider a machine with the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) Green Label certification. This certification certifies that the machine has passed several tests as to soil removal, particulate contamination, and carpet-appearance retention, which affects vacuuming’s effect on the indoor environment.
By Daniel Frimml